Motherwort would take over my garden if I let it.
It self seeds with abandon. I don't mind as it is easy to pull, and, if you let it be, it looks good! The current CT data reports it attracts bumblebees like mad...34 contacts per minute...but did not mention honeybees.
My bees do like it, but not with noticeably greater than average enthusiasm. But then again, they did not show much enthusiasm for borage! (They do flock to anise hyssop, and, for one day only, covered my giant Cow Parsnip.)
A. I. Root sold motherwort seeds in his honey plant section in his 1887 seed catalog.
Back to motherwort, Root talks about it in the ABC of Bee Culture, 1882.
Here is an 1865 report that sounds good from The Bee-keeper's Guide: Or Manual of the Apiary by Albert John Cook.
(Leonurus cardiaca L.)
Perhaps none of our common herbs promises better, as a honey plant, than the one-in question. It is a very hardy
perennial, and once introduced in waste places, it is sure to hold its own, until it becomes desirable to extirpate it, when, at man's bidding, it quickly lets go its hold, so that it is not a dangerous plant to introduce. The blossoms appear at this place about June 25th, and persist for a full month, and during the entire time are crowded with bees, whatever may be the character of the weather, whether wet or dry, warm or cool, whether the plant is in the midst of honey plants or isolated. We are thus assured that the plant is constantly secreting nectar, and is also a favorite with bees. Rape, mustards and borage seem indifferent to the weather, but are not favorites with the bees. Motherwort, then, has three admirable qualities: It is long in bloom, the flowers afford fine honey at all times, and it is a favorite with the bees.
If it could be made to bloom about three weeks later, coming in just after basswood, it would have nearly all the desired qualities. I think that we might bring this about by mowing the plants in May. I am led to this opinion from the fact that some plants which we set back by transplanting in May, are still in bloom this August 10th, and are now alive with bees, dividing their attention with the beautiful cleome, which is now in full bloom, and fairly noisy with bees
It self seeds with abandon. I don't mind as it is easy to pull, and, if you let it be, it looks good! The current CT data reports it attracts bumblebees like mad...34 contacts per minute...but did not mention honeybees.
My bees do like it, but not with noticeably greater than average enthusiasm. But then again, they did not show much enthusiasm for borage! (They do flock to anise hyssop, and, for one day only, covered my giant Cow Parsnip.)
A. I. Root sold motherwort seeds in his honey plant section in his 1887 seed catalog.
Back to motherwort, Root talks about it in the ABC of Bee Culture, 1882.
Motherwort (Leonurus Cardiaca) - Quite a number of the bee folks insist that
motherwort is superior, as a honey plant, to either catnip, hoarhound, balm, wild bergamot, or any of the large family of Labiate, and I presume such may be the case under some circumstances, or in favorable localities.
In comparing plants, it should be remembered, that those usually bear much honey may, at times, furnish none at all; and also those which usually furnish none may, under very favorable circumstances, yield largely."
This plant often flourishes about fence corners, and around the ruins of old dwellings, sheds, or even hog pens. The large leaf, taken by itself, much resembles the currant; the stalk is much like catnip; and the little flowers are in tufts, close to the stalk. It remains in blossom a long time, and may be as worthy of cultivation, as any of the plants of its class.In 1853 Moses Quinby's Mysteries of Bee-keeping Explained: Being a Complete Analysis of the Whole Subject is the first book I could find in a simple online search which mentions motherwort as a bee plant.
Catnip (Nepeta Cataria), Motherwort (Leonurus Cardiaca), and Hoarhound (Marrubium Vulgare) about the middle of June, put forth their flowers, rich in sweetness, and like the raspberry, the bees visit them at all hours and in nearly all kinds of weather. They last from four to six weeks; the catnip I have known to last twelve in a few instances, yielding honey during the whole time.After 1860 it is mentioned often. Keep in mind people tended to copy each others published opinions, so a great deal of this MIGHT be copycat behavior, not a sudden noticing that motherwort is attracting tons of bees. On the other hand the public's awareness of the economic possibilities of beekeeping was blossoming then, so folks were keeping an eye out for
Here is an 1865 report that sounds good from The Bee-keeper's Guide: Or Manual of the Apiary by Albert John Cook.
(Leonurus cardiaca L.)
Perhaps none of our common herbs promises better, as a honey plant, than the one-in question. It is a very hardy
Fig. 114. |
Fig. 115. |
If it could be made to bloom about three weeks later, coming in just after basswood, it would have nearly all the desired qualities. I think that we might bring this about by mowing the plants in May. I am led to this opinion from the fact that some plants which we set back by transplanting in May, are still in bloom this August 10th, and are now alive with bees, dividing their attention with the beautiful cleome, which is now in full bloom, and fairly noisy with bees
![]() |
Fig. 116. |
The stalk is square (Fig. 114),'branching, and when cultivated, attains a height of some four feet; though, as it grows in waste places, it is seldom more than three feet.
The branches, and also the leaves, are opposite (Figs. 114 and 115), and in the axils of the latter are whorls of blossoms (Figs. 115 and 116), which succeed each other from below to the top of the branching stems.
The corolla is like that of all the mints, while the calyx has five teeth, which are sharp ands pine-like in the nutlets as they appear at the base of the leaves (Fig. 115). As they near the top, the whorls of blossoms and succeeding seeds are successively nearer together, and finally become very crowded at the apex (Fig. 116).
The leaves are long and palmately lobed (Fig. 115).
The small blossom is purple.
(My observation on the plant is that the seeds, (nutlets) are sharp!!! Use gloves when pulling a plant with dry seed heads.)
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